The NMSARC board consists of up to eleven members, who are elected at large by voting delegates as defined in Article IV of the bylaws. The board may appoint a non-voting committee member with areas of appropriate expertise or experience. The board is empowered to conduct all business of the council to include but not limited to organizing and conducting training, collection of dues, distribution of information or any purpose stated in Article II. No more than two representatives of any council member team shall serve on the board at one time, including Individual Members who may also be team members of an organizational member. If you are interested in serving the NMSAR community in a statewide function, then consider running for the NMSARC board. Please send your letter of intent and SAR resumé to the NMSARC secretary.
All NMSARC board meetings are open to the public; please see the Events page for more details.
All NMSARC board meetings are open to the public; please see the Events page for more details.
Currently Serving: Lauri Dodge, Cibola SAR (2025) Rand Eads, Santa Fe SAR (2025) Marina Hein, Socorro SAR (2025) Robert Garcia, OMTRS (2026) Matthew Griffin, LAAFB (2026) Betsy McLelland, New Mexico Mounted SAR (2026) Art Fischer, Sandia Search Dogs (2027) Peter Kane, Mesilla Valley SAR (2027) |
F. Larry Zentner Jr. BOARD MEMBER NM SAR ESCAPE 2024 Chair NM SAR Council Board Chair 2011-2023 (member off & on) Cibola SAR Team (NM SAR Support Team) 2009-Present) Civil Air Patrol, New Mexico Wing, SAR Office 1974-Present SAR Background Ground pounder, Direction Finder (DF), CAP aircrew member, Ski Patroller, retired EMT, FEMA Instructor, & Amateur Radio operator. SAR Interests Promoting NIMS ICS course standards, Incident Management Team support, and technology applications to SAR planning & operations. |
Bob Howell Board Member NM SAR Council Board Member 2022-Present NM SAR IT Lead NM SAR Council CalTopo Lead NMSAR Section Chief Ops, Logs, Plans NMSAR Ordering Manager SAR Background Ground Pounder, Tracker, ATV, IMT, Ham radio operator, retired Ski Patroller, EMT, Structure & Wildland Firefighter. SAR Interests Virtual training, implementation of technology to assist SAR effectiveness, IMT support |
Betsy McLelland Board member NM SAR Vice-Chair 2023 NM SAR Membership Lead New Mexico Mounted SAR 2014 to present. Current President of NMMSAR SAR Background I’m a lifelong horsewoman who loves the outdoors and helping others. Being a member of search and rescue has allowed me to put all the things I love together. It’s a great way to serve my community and meet extraordinary people. SAR Interests Learning and implementing new skills. |
- CHAIR: To open the session at the time at which the assembly is to meet; calling the members to order; to announce the business before the assembly in the order in which it is acted upon; to recognize members entitled to the floor; to state and put to a vote all questions which are regularly moved, and to announce the result of the vote; to protect the assembly from annoyance from evidently frivolous or dilatory motions by refusing to recognize them; to assist in expediting business in every way compatible with the rights of the members; to restrain the members when engaged in debate within the rules of order; to enforce on all occasions the observance of order and decorum; among the members; to authenticate, by his or her signature, when necessary, all the acts, orders, and proceedings of the assembly declaring its will and in all things, obeying its commands. The Chair/President will normally only vote in the case of a tie vote on an issue.
- VICE-CHAIR: In the event the Chair/President is unable to carry out the duties of the Chair, it shall fall upon the responsibility of the Vice-Chair/Vice-President. The Vice-Chair/Vice-President shall have all voting rights and privileges as any member of the Board of Directors.
- SECRETARY: Responsible for keeping all records of the organization and its meetings; to keep a register, or roll, of the members and to call the roll when required; to notify officers, committees, and delegates of their appointments, and to furnish committees all papers associated with them; to send out proper notices of all called meetings, and other meetings when necessary, and to conduct the correspondence of the organization, except as otherwise provided.
- TREASURER: Acts as the banker for the organization, merely holding funds deposited with him/her and paying them out on the order of the organization, signed by the President or the Secretary; to make an annual report to the organization; should submit all records to an auditor, or an auditing committee, if so required.
Emergency? Call 911 | New Mexico Search and Rescue Council | P.O. Box 3396 | Albuquerque, NM 87190 | [email protected]