All promotions are subject to approval by the Resource Officer and the New Mexico State Police Chief. The training and standards are cumulative and appropriate equipment and supplies should be maintained and added to with each promotion. Individual performances will be evaluated yearly using the following factors: Availability, Communication, Competence, Coordination of Incident Activities, Delegation of Authority, Documentation, General Behavior on Missions, Operational Readiness and Stress Management. Dismissal of a Field Coordinator may result at any time from lack of compliance, inferior performance, or improper conduct as established by the Resource Officer. Any Field Coordinator missing two Field Coordinator Rendezvous in a row will be removed from the roster. Should a Field Coordinator take a leave of absence from Search and Rescue duty, the duration of that leave shall be no longer than one year in order to be reinstated at the same level. In addition, said Field Coordinator must participate in Field Coordinator training, Rendezvous or ESCAPE during that year.
In the event that these requirements are not met, the said Field Coordinator must attend Field Coordinator School before being reinstated one level down. Certain basic requirements for Field Coordinators may be waived for any type, provided all the current Area Commanders and the Resource Officer agree and these requirements are completed within one year of the amended promotion. Every Field Coordinator must be available for week-long rotation of Incident Command duty or must provide a substitute during that week.
In the event that these requirements are not met, the said Field Coordinator must attend Field Coordinator School before being reinstated one level down. Certain basic requirements for Field Coordinators may be waived for any type, provided all the current Area Commanders and the Resource Officer agree and these requirements are completed within one year of the amended promotion. Every Field Coordinator must be available for week-long rotation of Incident Command duty or must provide a substitute during that week.
Emergency? Call 911 | New Mexico Search and Rescue Council | P.O. Box 3396 | Albuquerque, NM 87190 | [email protected]