The resources section contains a great variety of Search and Rescue information for our member teams and volunteers. Below you will find the following: a link to join our email forum, how to get your own email address, field certification exam details, map order information, radio frequencies and policies, SAR guidelines and training manuals, mission reports, how to request a SAR ID as a volunteer, field coordinator details, and reimbursement policies and forms. We also have a link to Café Press where you can purchase NMSARC logo gear and ESCAPE memorabilia.
If you are a member of one of NMSARC's member teams, you are eligible to join our email forum. News about training, our annual ESCAPE conference, as well as other topics that members want to discuss are posted here. Members of the Forum agree to follow the NMSAR Forum Usage Guidelines. WANT YOUR OWN "NMSAR.ORG" EMAIL ADDRESS? You can use it on search and rescue business cards, as your login for any SAR forums, to communicate with your own team, or the teams throughout the state (you will have to authorize your address on the NMSAR-Forum.) |
The New Mexico Search and Rescue (SAR) Field Certification Program came about in 1996 to ensure that individuals asked to participate on a SAR incident are qualified to provide the basic services to the subjects lost or in need of our services. The following documents are the study materials for the Field Certification exam. If the Field Certification study guide is too large for you to download on your computer, request one from the SAR Resource Officer at: 2501 Carlisle Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110 or call (505) 841-9297.
The New Mexico Search and Rescue (SAR) Field Certification Program came about in 1996 to ensure that individuals asked to participate on a SAR incident are qualified to provide the basic services to the subjects lost or in need of our services. The following documents are the study materials for the Field Certification exam. If the Field Certification study guide is too large for you to download on your computer, request one from the SAR Resource Officer at: 2501 Carlisle Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110 or call (505) 841-9297.
The following link is to the online ICS-100 and ICS-200 FEMA courses: FEMA TRAINING
Complete the ICS-100 and ICS-200 requirements for Field Certification online and bring your proof of completion to the test.
Please note that we do not need a copy of your proof of completion, we only have to look at it.
The following link is to the online ICS-100 and ICS-200 FEMA courses: FEMA TRAINING
Complete the ICS-100 and ICS-200 requirements for Field Certification online and bring your proof of completion to the test.
Please note that we do not need a copy of your proof of completion, we only have to look at it.
Videos were recorded on April 27 & 28, 2018 and presented by Tony Gaier and Bob Rodgers.
Material is based on the March 1st, 2016 Study Guide & Standards.
Videos were recorded on April 27 & 28, 2018 and presented by Tony Gaier and Bob Rodgers.
Material is based on the March 1st, 2016 Study Guide & Standards.
How to set up a field certification test in your area: There is a scheduled Field Certification test at ESCAPE each year. If a team wants to set up a Field Certification test for any time other than ESCAPE, they may contact one of the following:
State SAR Resource Officer - Bob Rodgers: [email protected]
P.A.C.E. Chair - Tony Gaier: [email protected]
P.A.C.E. Chair - Tony Gaier: [email protected]
They will either provide the name of an Evaluator in (or near) the team's area and/or will contact a representative of the team. That Evaluator will then work with the team to set up the test. A date, time and location will need to be determined. A sufficient number of Evaluators will be provided for the testing. A room large enough for the test will be necessary, including tables and chairs and space such as a hallway or assembly area to spread out gear. An outdoor space for the compass test will also be required. The Evaluator will work with the team to coordinate the testing. If there are any other questions, please contact one of the above.
NMSARC provides maps only to Active Member Teams and individual members of those teams who are in good standing.
All New Mexico certified responders are provided with credentials. To receive an ID you must be certified under a DPS program (i.e. Field Certification, Section Chief, Field Coordinator, etc.) Request your ID by sending an email to the R.O. with the subject line “Search & Rescue ID Request”. The body of the email must include your name, mailing address, phone number and indicate if the requestor is a minor.
A ID style photo must also be attached to the email. An ID style photo is a color head shot against a white background, no hat, no sunglasses, no glamour or action shots. Similar to a photo on a driver’s license.
Contact info for the RO is found here:
All New Mexico certified responders are provided with credentials. To receive an ID you must be certified under a DPS program (i.e. Field Certification, Section Chief, Field Coordinator, etc.) Request your ID by sending an email to the R.O. with the subject line “Search & Rescue ID Request”. The body of the email must include your name, mailing address, phone number and indicate if the requestor is a minor.
A ID style photo must also be attached to the email. An ID style photo is a color head shot against a white background, no hat, no sunglasses, no glamour or action shots. Similar to a photo on a driver’s license.
Contact info for the RO is found here:
The Board of Directors has done a lot of work on developing suggested gear, clothing, and training guidelines for different aspects of New Mexico Search and Rescue. As different guidelines are added, we hope you will find them useful.
The Board of Directors has done a lot of work on developing suggested gear, clothing, and training guidelines for different aspects of New Mexico Search and Rescue. As different guidelines are added, we hope you will find them useful.
In 2018 Mission Number nomenclature changed to: the first two digits are the year, followed by padding zeros. Subsequent non-zero numbers are the total count of missions in the state for the year.
Before 2018 Mission Number nomenclature was as follows: The first two sets of numbers are the year, the next two are the New Mexico State Police district in which the mission occurred and the last two are the number of missions that has occurred in that district for that year.
In 2018 Mission Number nomenclature changed to: the first two digits are the year, followed by padding zeros. Subsequent non-zero numbers are the total count of missions in the state for the year.
Before 2018 Mission Number nomenclature was as follows: The first two sets of numbers are the year, the next two are the New Mexico State Police district in which the mission occurred and the last two are the number of missions that has occurred in that district for that year.
DISCLAIMER: The information posted here comes from the SAR Resource Office, which in turn comes from the mission reports. They are updated approximately every 6 months. If you have a concern with this information, please direct your correspondence to the SAR Resource Officer.
Search and Rescue volunteers will be reimbursed by DPS for fuel and oil for use of personal vehicles only on state authorized missions and training missions where a state mission number is assigned. Before your first reimbursement you will first need to fill out and submit a NM Substitute W9 form, found below. It needs to be hand signed, then it may be emailed to Bob Rodgers. It will take approximately two weeks to process. You will only need to submit the W9 once, unless your address changes or you go an extended period of time without requesting a reimbursement.
When requesting fuel reimbursement, receipts must be dated within 3 days of the incident. Follow directions on the form and fill it out completely and legibly. Fuel forms and receipts must be submitted by snail mail to the address on the form, but a copy may also be emailed. If you are unable to obtain a receipt, please contact Bob as there may be work-arounds.
Search and Rescue volunteers will be reimbursed by DPS for fuel and oil for use of personal vehicles only on state authorized missions and training missions where a state mission number is assigned. Before your first reimbursement you will first need to fill out and submit a NM Substitute W9 form, found below. It needs to be hand signed, then it may be emailed to Bob Rodgers. It will take approximately two weeks to process. You will only need to submit the W9 once, unless your address changes or you go an extended period of time without requesting a reimbursement.
When requesting fuel reimbursement, receipts must be dated within 3 days of the incident. Follow directions on the form and fill it out completely and legibly. Fuel forms and receipts must be submitted by snail mail to the address on the form, but a copy may also be emailed. If you are unable to obtain a receipt, please contact Bob as there may be work-arounds.
Search and Rescue volunteers, non-compensated public employees whom are on file with NM Department of Public Safety, are covered under a special risk insurance while participating in approved activities. If you have questions about the policy please contact Bob Rodgers at [email protected] or by phone at 505-841-9297 between 8am and 3pm, Monday to Friday.
Search and Rescue volunteers, non-compensated public employees whom are on file with NM Department of Public Safety, are covered under a special risk insurance while participating in approved activities. If you have questions about the policy please contact Bob Rodgers at [email protected] or by phone at 505-841-9297 between 8am and 3pm, Monday to Friday.
Emergency? Call 911 | New Mexico Search and Rescue Council | P.O. Box 3396 | Albuquerque, NM 87190 | [email protected]